Quote of the Week: |
"If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?"
--Thomas H. Huxley, 1825-1895, English biologist, author and foremost defender of Darwin's theories of evolution

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Free Script Samples: |
For a sample script demonstrating Script Werx features, click on the format you want to see. These samples are in the pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format, which requires an Acrobat reader; available for free by clicking the Adobe link at the bottom of this list:
Screenplay Formats
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Site/network licenses are an affordable means of providing Script Werx to a number of users, making them ideal for TV stations, corporate video departments and university computer labs. |

Some brief notes on the most recent activities concerning Script Werx, Parnassus Software and Original Vision. |